Importance of Old employees to an organization

 01.Who is Old Employees 

An older worker is defined as a job seeker at least 40 years of age who encounters or expects to encounter difficulty in getting or keeping a job principally because of age.

People are living longer, and the proportion of older workers is increasing. This means that employers will need to improve how they attract, manage and develop people as they age. › trends › (Mar 28, 2022)

02. Importance of Old Employees 

Older employees are more likely to show up to work on time, and less likely to call in sick. Older workers also do not switch jobs as often as their younger colleagues. Older employees shine when it comes to maturity and professionalism – resulting in a strong work ethic.

Figure 01. Importance of od emplouee

03.The Advantages of Older Workers

03.1.Older workers are skilled and experienced

03.2. They stay in jobs longer and take fewer days off

03.3. They have a strong work ethic

03.4. They retain a business’s knowledge and networks

03.5. The perceived technology gap can be overcome

03.6.Older workers prove that the best teams are multigenerational

03.7. Older workers play a critical role in training the next generation of workers

03.8. They provide customers with consistency and personal attention

03.9. Older workers attract more business

03.10. Older workers are part of the business brand

04. Challenges of an Ageing Workforce

Figure 02. Challenges of Old employees

04.1.Increased wages –generally older employees have more seniority and get higher salaries than newer, younger workers.

04.2. Age related physical and mental decline – as employees age they are likely to have more health issues.

04.3. Tension between older workers and younger workers.

04.4. Performance issues related to new ways of doing things and a reluctance on the part of older workers to accept change.

04.5. Discomfort with new technologies.

04.6.Reluctance on the part of employers to train older workers.




03.Figure 02


  1. Hi Himali, the organization needs to retain old employees to gain benefits from their experience. Also, there are challenges that the organization faces due to this as well. On the other hand, companies need to have the young generation for adopting the new technologies. Proper HR policies could be implemented. For example, a certain % of old employees could be retained.

  2. But I think there are many disadvantages too.

  3. Experience wise it is better to keep them, as u said some disadvantages too

  4. Many advantages also there. Older workers also play an important role in providing skills to younger team members.

  5. Old employees are a very valuable asset for any kind of organization. They are like a mode of passing company values and culture to the next generation.

  6. While every one concerntrating the new employees and training and so on, good that u reminded the old staff too. Me being one of the old staff (17 years) in my previous company i full understand your post and the value of the points. REally well said. Thank you for sharing this.


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